Annual ADA Picnic and other ADA Anniversary events Canceled

Unfortunately, it’s time to make this public announcement… The July 7, 2020 Summit ADA Picnic has been canceled to ensure the safety of our consumers, collaborators, staff members, friends, and fellow community members. We remained hopeful as long as possible, but had to cancel due to the coronavirus and state directive to adhere to strict social distancing and limit public groups to no more than 50 people as per Stage 2 of reopening. We were hopeful that we would move to Stage 3, but it doesn’t look like that will happen in time. Because we usually enjoy more than 50 attendees and it’s difficult to adhere to social distancing particularly in the food line, we decided to make the call.

However, there is great news and it’s a great time to celebrate even though we may not all be together as planned. July 26, 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 which is the largest historical landmark event acknowledging the rights of individuals with disabilities and preventing discrimination on the basis of disability. It’s a good time to recognize progress made by and for individuals with disabilities and acknowledge many who have contributed to these gains while remaining steadfast that there is still work to be done.

In recognition of this ADA Anniversary, Summit was also scheduled to be the Spotlight Sponsor of the weekly Out to Lunch on Wednesday, July 22 and Downtown Tonight on Thursday, July 30 both at Caras Park. However, the Missoula Downtown Partnership has likewise canceled those events throughout summer, 2020.

We at Summit are considering creative ways in which we can all celebrate this anniversary while still following Governor Bullock’s directive. Please stay tuned and watch Summit’s website and social media outlets to receive any updates. Either way, we hope that you can take a little time to recognize how the ADA has positively impacted you personally, your friends, and/or your family members.

Thank you for your understanding, and let’s look forward to an even bigger celebration next year!