Looking to improve your community? Look no further than our Montana Centers for Independent Living statewide task forces!

After some re-organizing at our last symposium, the task force groups and some of their goals are as follows:

Community Living Task Force (formerly Housing Task Force)
• Educate local communities and community leaders on benefits and importance of visitable construction features
• Meet with building code enforcement agencies to discuss how to improve enforcement of accessibility regulations
• Educate state agencies about the importance of subsidized housing opportunities like 811 Housing program and Housing Bridge program

Native American Task Force
• Develop culturally relevant IL philosophy training for Native Americans
• Present importance of Visitability and accessible housing for Native American communities to members’ respective tribes
• Develop presentations in Native tongues

Public Relations Task Force
• Develop creative brand promotion
• Begin outreach campaign for Medicaid for Workers with Disabilities
• Collect and publish stories and experiences of Montanans with disabilities through video, audio, social media, and writings

Self-Determination Task Force
• Work with DPHHS and CMS on HCBS community setting definition for assisted living
• Develop model of what the Olmstead Implementation Council would look like and what responsibilities would be
• Create broader awareness of local election process and requirements

Transportation Task Force
• Approach public transportation providers to begin discussions on opportunities for expanded service hours
• Develop strategies for improving intercity (between cities) transportation services
• Advocate complete streets concept and acceptable pathways

Youth and Employment Task Force (formerly Youth Task Force)
• Design employment training for people with disabilities
• Hold Disability Mentoring Day inclusive of employment focus with participants from all four CILs
• Establish youth groups in all service areas

So now that you know what’s going on, what are you waiting for?

Contact Summit today and get involved in making Montana stronger. After all, nothing has ever gotten better without a little hard work!