Unintended weight gain can be a common issue for many people. We know that many snack foods can cause an increase in body fat. However, some foods that have been billed as healthy can also cause issues.

Here are five common foods you may think are healthy, but actually tell your body to store fat and may cause other nutrition issues.

1. Concentrated Juice- Orange, Grape, Apple, and most others. During production, most fiber and nutrients are boiled off, leaving a big glass of sugar water. Most concentrated juice drinks contain more sugar than soda! Sugar increases hormone levels telling your body to store it as fat.

2. Margarine- Trans fats are added to prolong shelf life, but increase the risk of heart disease. Trans fats raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol levels, a double whammy. Butter is a better choice, in moderation.

3. Whole Wheat Bread- Pasta, cakes, muffins and even pizza. Consume these items only if they are made from whole grain, not processed flour.

4. Soy Products and Tofu- Most soy is highly processed and genetically modified. Over processed foods do not give you the nutrients you need.

5. Corn- This is one of the most common of the genetically modified organisms (GMO). GMOs cause hormone imbalances and keep excess weight on. GMOs can be toxic, cause allergic reactions, and are less nutritious than their natural counterparts.

Remember, we can’t exercise our way out of poor nutrition. Instead, eating food rich in nutrients will leave us at our best!

Tom Thompson can be emailed at tomskilaw@gmail.com