Visitability Means:

- One zero step entrance on an accessible path of travel from the street, sidewalk or driveway

- Doorways that provide 32 inches clear space throughout the home's main floor and hallways that provide 36 inches of clear width

- Basic access to a half or (preferably) full bath on the main floor

Visitability Provides Features for the Whole Family

A smooth, snaking concrete pathway cuts through a rock garden to connect a green house with a covered porch to the passing sidewalk. Two helmeted boys on scooters buzz away from the green house along the accessible pathway. Two boys become a blur as they scooter along a snaking accessible pathway away from a green house. A brown wooden door sits ajar, revealing a minimal threshold. On each side of the door, on the porch, sit pots full of small pink flowers. A young child's feet and the bottom of a stroller are visible as it is wheeled out of the front door. A young curly-haired girl with a green, flower-print dress matching the actual flowers on the porch goes through the front door. The young girl peeks shyly backward as she goes in the door. The young girl faces the viewer, standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes and sucking on a binkie. The young girl peeks out of a crack in the front door as she slowly pushes it shut. The young girl peers smiling out of the door, as a blue-dressed women stands behind her.

Visitable design features are useful for everyone, regardless of age.

This home's accessible pathway is used by the owner's young boys as they take their scooters to explore the neighborhood. The zero-step threshold adds convenience, and safety, for a developing toddler, whether she is in her stroller or walking on her own.

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