Last fall Connor, along with several other Boy Scouts and community partners, built a wheelchair ramp for the United Way of Missoula.

Connor had to overcome some hurdles to get the ramp finished, including making sure it fit historical building standards.

For his effort, Connor received his Eagle Scout badge. Now he’s also the recipient of the Y.O.D.A. FORCE Award!

Youth Opening Doors through Advocacy, YODA, presented Connor with the Facing Obstacles & Revolutionizing the Community Environment Award in March.

YODA is a group for youths with disabilities, 13-30ish, that participates in social and advocacy efforts. Missoula YODA has a regular social activity, Video Game Night, that meets twice a month in addition to the regular monthly YODA meeting. Also check out YODA’s new group ARIELS, a club for girls only that meets once a month.

Thank you, Connor, and everyone else who strives to make Montana a stronger and more inclusive place for everyone.