We wrapped up a summer of educational advocacy webinars with a symposium in Great Falls, where advocates discussed priorities for the Montana Centers for Independent Living (CILs).

Some of the proposed priorities during the two-day symposium included:

• Increasing community inclusion
• Increasing collaboration between CILs and the community
• Educating the community
• Empowering the voice of people with disabilities
• Increasing diversity of services
• Embracing technology

These priorities are in addition to those identified during the task force webinars over the summer.

Some of this work will be handled by task forces, while other pieces will be handled by specialized committees at the CILs. One thing for sure, though, is that it will require a lot of effort to make Montana a stronger place.

And that’s where you come in. Are there issues that you’re passionate about? How about assuring all of us can voice our opinions on issues that impact our lives? What about making sure that people who live in rural areas have the ability to get to where they need to go? Or maybe you want to help, but you’re not certain where to get started?

Come into your local Summit office and find out how you can be a voice for your community!