Tom Thompson, Summit PeerYou don’t need a lot of money to be entertained in Missoula.

As a native Missoulian, I want to point you in the right direction. Although boredom can creep up on everyone, there are things you can do to get out of the house to stay active and entertained. Independent Living is more than living where you want; it is also being able to enjoy what you want.

There are many opportunities available but it may take some research and planning. I have found some websites which keep track of local events but you also need to watch the weather and keep transportation in mind. Here are a few sites you should know about:

Missoula City Band

General Missoula

Downtown Missoula

Event Finder

Mountain Line Bus System

Finding cheap or free entertainment throughout Western Montana is something we at Summit want to help uncover. I ask everyone, no matter what entertainment opportunities exist in your community, to send links to local events or other entertainment suggestions to me at